Tuesday, August 15, 2006

cars and jobs

well, i spent yesterday afternoon pushing my car uphill so that corbin could give me a jumpstart. thank god corbin is working with me - he had to help me inflate my tire a couple of weeks ago. the tire stayed inflated long enough for me to drive to the gas station where i changed it. by the way, that air in a can stuff doesn't work so well when you have a huge gash in your tire.

so, i'm thinking that it is finally time for me to bite the bullet and get a new car this fall. i keep waiting for something other than hybrid - like hydrogen fuel, but i'm giving up hope on that happenning any time soon. however, i do like the idea of bio-diesel and so that means volkswagon - which i also like! the way i see it is that if the sh*t really hits the fan and we start running out of gas I can always make my own fuel for a diesel engine. i'll probably start looking for a turbo diesel jetta next month.

as far as my job goes i'm relatively happy. my team leader (project manager) keeps wanting to add more people to our team - which is good. the thing is that he can't keep us and the work organized. so we end up with a lot of time on our hands. i know, i know, i shouldn't complain, and i am grateful for such a good job. but i like to stay busy when i'm at work. also, i'm missing traveling a lot - a whole lot. i want to go back to europe. i want to go to argentina. i want to go to southeast asia. i want to go to africa. none of that is going to happen here. so, i've got to start taking the necessary steps to get into a professional position that will allow me to travel. surely there is a need for a political anthropologist with a high level of tech skills. i hope so!


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