Monday, August 07, 2006

It's really simple if you think about it

I want to move to Norway. I want to live someplace where politics and government are a natural part of people's lives instead of some sort of foreign aggressive entity. Is this possible? Maybe what I really want is to live someplace where most of the people are smart enough to treat each other with dignity - this way there isn't much need for government. Have you ever thought about that? The fact that we need government? Because of all these idiots that can't seem to get it through their thick skulls that stealing, raping, and murdering are wrong. Jeesh! What's so hard about not doing things to other people that you don't want done to you? It's really simple if you just take 5 seconds to think about it. And I'm not coming from a religious point of view here - nope, just plain common sense. I mean, if people would just treat each other well then we could eliminate a big chunk of government.

But what about victimless crimes like drugs? Well, again, this is just a case of insecure people forcing people to live in a way that they feel is best. What if all the potheads made it law that everybody had to smoke bowls every morning? I bet these holier-than-thous wouldn't like it too much. So why do they want to put peaceful people in jail simply for a lifestyle different from theirs? I said it before and I'll say it again: it's simple, treat others the way you want to be treated. Let people smoke pot responsibly and we can all go back to worrying about how we're going to spend all our extra money that we'll save in taxes. And speaking of taxes... I don't know anyone that would want somebody to take half of their income to spend recklessly on unknown items. So why do we do it? I'm all for paying taxes but enough is enough - I want a receipt! Is that too much to ask for? I don't think so - you'd want a receipt from me if I took half of your money. You wouldn't just hand it over for no reason. Again, treat people the way you want to be treated - it's really simple.


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