From darkness into light - a dream
I had a dream last night. I was in a large church, something like one of the large European cathedrals except unimaginably immense. I was there with my mother and sisters – for what I’m not sure. The ground began to tremble and the building shifted. I looked at my mother; she was forcing herself to be unaware as she knelt in some sort of imposed and false bliss. I said something like “we need to leave.” My mother ignored me and my younger sister turned on me like someone gone mad, “We can’t leave! We need a church. You can’t have a church without a building!” I turned and began walking to the main entrance of the cathedral. Just as I reached the precipice the building began to shake violently; a rift opened in the earth and I could see that the church was separating from the ground in front of the entrance. I glimpsed my sisters and said “You don’t need a building. You don’t need a church. This is all the church you need.” I pointed towards an open field with families playing in the grass. My older sister looked relieved but my younger sister just had a twisted and confused look on her face – she was uncertain. She knew I was right, but it was an unacceptable risk. The building began tilting as it teetered on some flimsy rock. I dove from the entrance way of the church onto the grass just as the church crashed into an abyss. I moved from darkness into light.